Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you about how we collect and process your personal data, explain how long we retain it, to whom we provide it, what rights you have as a data subject, and where you can address any questions regarding the exercise of your rights or other inquiries related to the processing of personal data.

We inform you that your personal data is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation), the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania, and other legal acts regulating the protection of personal data.

We adhere to the following main principles of data processing:

  • Personal data is collected only for clearly defined and lawful purposes;
  • Personal data is processed lawfully and fairly;
  • Personal data is continuously updated;
  • Personal data is stored securely and no longer than required by the established data processing purposes or legal acts;
  • Personal data is processed only by those Company employees who are authorized according to their job functions or duly authorized data processors.

What terms are used?

  • Data Controller – UAB "Avakompas" (hereinafter referred to as the Company), legal entity code 126062070, registered address J. Galvydžio g. 5, Vilnius.
  • Data Subject – any physical person whose data we process. We collect only those data subject’s data that are necessary for the Company’s operations and/or visiting, using, browsing our website, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the Website). We ensure that the personal data collected and processed will be secure and used only for specific purposes.
  • Personal Data – any information directly or indirectly related to you as a data subject, whose identity is known or can be directly or indirectly identified using relevant data. Processing of personal data means any operation performed with personal data (including collection, recording, storage, editing, alteration, access provision, query submission, transfer, archiving, etc.).
  • Consent – any freely given and informed indication of your wishes by which you agree to the processing of your personal data for a specific purpose.

How do we collect your personal data?

  • You provide personal data yourself. You may contact our Company, use our services, leave comments, ask questions, etc.
  • We receive personal data when you visit the Company's website. You fill out forms on the website or leave your contact details, etc.
  • We obtain your personal data from other sources. We may legally receive personal data from other institutions or companies, publicly accessible registers, etc.

What data and for what purposes do we process your data? By providing us with your personal data, you agree that we may use the collected data to fulfill our obligations to you and provide services.

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Conclusion and execution of contracts for services or goods provided by the Company with the data subject;
  • Contact retention, ensuring the ability to contact them;
  • Tax accounting and payment control. For this purpose, we process the following data:
    • First name(s), last name(s);
    • Contact information (phone number, email address);
    • Employer and position (if the information is provided as a representative of a legal entity);
    • Residential address (for VAT invoice);
    • Bank account details (if services are provided to the Company by a physical person).
  • Administration of inquiries, comments, and complaints. For this purpose, we process the following data:
    • First name(s);
    • Contact information (phone number, email address);
    • Text of the inquiry, comment, or complaint.
  • Other purposes for which we have the right to process your personal data when you have given your consent, when data processing is necessary for legitimate interests, or when processing data is required by applicable legal acts.

To whom do we provide your personal data?

  • We are committed to maintaining confidentiality towards you.
  • We may provide personal data to our data processors who provide services to our Company and process personal data on our behalf. Data processors have the right to process personal data only according to our Company’s instructions and only to the extent necessary to properly fulfill the obligations specified in the contract. We only use data processors who can adequately ensure the implementation of appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that data processing complies with the requirements of the Regulation and guarantees the protection of your rights.
  • We may also provide personal data in response to requests from courts or state authorities to the extent necessary to properly comply with applicable legal acts and state authorities’ instructions.
  • We guarantee that your personal data will not be sold or rented to third parties.

What are the requirements for minors?

  • If you are under 14 years old, to use our services, you must provide a written consent from one of your representatives (parent or guardian) before submitting your personal information.

How long do we retain your personal data?

  • The personal data we collect is stored in printed documents and/or information systems. Your personal data is processed no longer than necessary to achieve the data processing purposes or as required by you and/or specified by legal acts.
  • Although you may terminate the contract and refuse services, we are still obligated to retain your personal data for potential future claims or legal disputes until the data retention periods expire.

What are your rights?

  • The right to receive information about data processing.
  • The right to access the data being processed.
  • The right to request correction of data.
  • The right to request deletion of data ("Right to be forgotten"). This right does not apply if the personal data you request to delete is processed on another legal basis, such as processing necessary for the execution of the contract or compliance with applicable legal acts.
  • The right to restrict data processing.
  • The right to object to data processing.
  • The right to data portability. The right to data portability should not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others. You do not have the right to data portability concerning personal data processed in a non-automated manner in structured files, such as paper files.
  • The right to request that a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, not be applied to you.
  • The right to file a complaint about personal data processing with the State Data Protection Inspectorate.

We provide conditions for you to exercise the aforementioned rights, except in cases provided by law when it is necessary to ensure state security or defense, public order, the prevention, investigation, detection, or prosecution of criminal offenses, important state economic or financial interests, the prevention, investigation, and detection of violations of official or professional ethics, and the protection of the rights and freedoms of the data subject or others.

Where can you address your inquiries? To exercise your rights, you can contact us:

  • By submitting a written request in person, by mail, through a representative, or by electronic means – by email:
  • Orally – by phone: +370 5 274 54 31;
  • In writing – at the address J. Galvydzio g. 5, Vilnius, Lithuania

To protect data from unauthorized disclosure, upon receiving your request to provide data or exercise other rights, we must verify your identity.

We will respond to you no later than one month from the date of receipt of the request, considering the specific circumstances of the personal data processing. This period may be extended by another two months, if necessary, depending on the complexity and number of requests.

What is your responsibility?

  • You must inform us of any changes to the information and data provided. It is important for us to have accurate and valid information;
  • You must provide the necessary information to identify you and ensure that we communicate or cooperate with you (provide an identity document or follow the procedure established by legal acts or electronic means that would allow proper identification of the data subject). This is necessary to protect your and other persons' data, ensuring that disclosed information is provided only to you, without violating the rights of others.

Final Provisions

  • By providing personal data, you agree with this Privacy Policy, understand its provisions, and agree to comply with it.
  • As the Company's operations develop and improve, we have the right to unilaterally change this Privacy Policy at any time. We have the right to unilaterally, partially, or completely change the Privacy Policy by notifying on the website
  • Additions or changes to the Privacy Policy come into force from the day they are posted on the website